Day 20
The bad economy will put a dent in new construction, so biodiversity is getting a big reprieve this year. Our use of Starbucks cups, pub coasters, and movie theater popcorn tubs is going to plummet. Global greenhouse emissions might be the lowest in decades. The world's cruise ships, whose daily carbon output are said to be the same as 1,000,000 cars, are tied to the dock by their giant, creaking hawsers. Airlines are flying planes to the desert for storage. LA's freeways are as still as an empty rocking chair.
It makes me think back to mid-September 2001, the only span of days in my lifetime when the sky was totally clear of haze from spreading contrails.
Even in the countryside near Chernobyl, where the ground will be dangerously radioactive for hundreds if not thousands of years, wild wolves live in some of the healthiest packs in the world.
I keep hearing baseless talk about the Dread Virus being a conspiracy, planned by some dark force or other. I don't believe for a second it was the work of the liberals or the terrorists or the Masons or the Deep State. But I think we ought to keep our eyes on the furry critters. I heard a rumor the bats and pangolins are working to together on this one.