Day 52

The HM and I both had meetings this evening. After we ate a late dinner, she yawned and said she ought to make to make a batch of cookies before it got too late.

This was a thing that never happened before on a random weekday, save maybe the worst kind of day. Causally making cookies for ourselves because it’s Monday night?

Well, the last batch of cookie dough was all used up, so one of us had to do it.

My sister’s family has been having Zoom dinners now and then with the HM and me. We try to come up with something to elevate the experience, and this week my sister suggested we get art supplies and make ourselves hats while we visited. We called it the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party.

While we sipped our Earl Grey, the HM made herself a lovely fascinator out of a cut-up paper nacho boat, adorned with upholstery fabric, ribbon and dried flowers. I tried to make a royal crown, but it came out looking like the pontiff’s miter, if His Holiness wore a hat made from chipboard and weekly mailer ads. I used up most of our glitter glue putting gems around the edges.

Staving off boredom isn’t easy, but it’s important. Boredom opens the door to dread. These little diversions, that we’d never do if things were normal, give us a sense of motion, of event. The reassurance that time is still happening.

If we happen to get a few dozen cookies as a side benefit, that’s alright too.


Day 53


Day 51