Day 30

Thirty days means it's time for some updates and status checks.

The sniffles: Long gone.

Bread count: Four loaves and four pizzas.

Muffin count: 44 consumed, 4 on hand.

Crows befriended: Still 0, unless one-sided wheedling counts.

Dread: Has ding dong ditched us a couple of times, but isn't staying over.

Pants: None on at present.

Weeding: Happening a little.

Pushups, planks, and yoga: Not happening.

Members of workplace daily video meeting who have figured out how to mute microphone when not speaking: 13/14.

Pangolins: Still on notice.

Maidenhair fern: Reinvigorated. Playing like he loves the game.

Mason jar lentil sprouts: Delicious. Eaten, as promised, with improvised hummus, grated carrots, and a pinch of black pepper on sourdough toast. 100% recommend.

Washing machine: Cleaner than a whistle. By a lot. Whistles are bacterial Holiday Inns.

Paper towels: On order.


Day 31


Day 29